Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
271 lines
Option Explicit
Global Const VB_LNG_FRENCH = 1
Global Const VB_LNG_DUTCH = 2
Global Const VB_LNG_GERMAN = 3
Global Const VB_LNG_ENGLISH = 4
Global Const VB_LNG_ITALIAN = 5
Global Const VB_LNG_SPANISH = 6
'Don't change any variables and their value below
Const ID_ITEMS = 16
Type HNDERRtype
ModuleName As String * 12
RoutineHandle As String * 4
RoutineName As String * 82
CrLf As String * 2
End Type
Dim FileLNG As String
Dim FileHND As String
Dim FileLOG As String
Dim IDArray(0 To ID_ITEMS) As Integer
Dim Language As Integer
Dim AutoLog As Integer
Dim WaitingTimeForReaction As Integer
Dim DefaultButton As Integer
Sub mcClearID ()
Call cClearID(IDArray(0))
End Sub
Function mcGetID (nPos As Integer)
mcGetID = cGetID(IDArray(0), nPos)
End Function
Function mcGetLanguageID (LanguageID As Integer) As String
Dim RetLanguage As String
Select Case LanguageID
RetLanguage = "VFR"
RetLanguage = "VNL"
RetLanguage = "VDE"
RetLanguage = "VUK"
RetLanguage = "VIT"
RetLanguage = "VSP"
Case Else
RetLanguage = "VUK"
End Select
If (LanguageID > 0) Then
Language = LanguageID
End If
mcGetLanguageID = RetLanguage
End Function
Function mcIDErrorHandler (nErr As Integer) As Integer
' check if this a correct Error passed
If (nErr = 0) Then
'if no, resume next
mcIDErrorHandler = True
Exit Function
End If
Dim RoutineCount As Integer
Dim RoutineNumber As Integer
Dim RoutineStack As String
Dim TotalRoutines As Integer
Dim BlankLines As Integer
Dim Chan As Integer
Dim StopExit As Integer
Dim TimeOut As Long
Dim ButtonsConfig As Integer
Dim ErrorTitle As String
' some initializations
RoutineStack = ""
TotalRoutines = 0
BlankLines = 0
StopExit = False
ButtonsConfig = 0
ErrorTitle = ""
RoutineStack = RoutineStack + mcReadText("0", "")
' find the next valid unused file number.
Chan = FreeFile
' open the file with the definition of each routines (file must be in the WINDOWS directory)
Close #Chan
Open FileHND For Random Shared As #Chan Len = Len(HNDERR)
' get the stack of the routines
For RoutineCount = 0 To ID_ITEMS
' get the number of the routine
RoutineNumber = mcGetID(RoutineCount)
' if there a valid routine number
If (RoutineNumber > 0) Then
' yes, read the definition of the routine
Get #Chan, RoutineNumber, HNDERR
' form the stack of the routines founden to display
RoutineStack = RoutineStack + HNDERR.ModuleName + Chr$(9) + HNDERR.RoutineHandle + Chr$(9) + Trim$(HNDERR.RoutineName) + Chr$(13)
' count the routines to display
TotalRoutines = TotalRoutines + 1
' no, exit from reading the stack
Exit For
End If
Next RoutineCount
' close the open file
Close #Chan
' check if the default button must be activated
If (DefaultButton = True) Then
' yes, RETRY and CANCEL with RETRY is the default
ButtonsConfig = 5 Or 0
' no, RETRY and CANCEL with CANCEL is the default
ButtonsConfig = 5 Or 256
' yes, add text for RETRY after timeout or action
RoutineStack = RoutineStack & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "program will be stopped"
End If
' set the error title
ErrorTitle = mcReadText("1", nErr & "~" & Error$(nErr))
' check if one routine has been founded
If (Len(RoutineStack) > 0) Then
' check the time out
TimeOut = WaitingTimeForReaction * (163840 Or 524288)
' display remaining blank lines
BlankLines = (8 - TotalRoutines) - (TimeOut = 0)
For RoutineCount = 0 To BlankLines
RoutineStack = RoutineStack + Chr$(13)
Next RoutineCount
' add some text for management
RoutineStack = RoutineStack & mcReadText("2", "")
' check if a timeout must be used
If (TimeOut <> 0) Then
' yes, add text depending of the default button
RoutineStack = RoutineStack & mcReadText("3", "") & " "
' if default is RETRY then display 'continue' else 'stop'
If (DefaultButton = True) Then
RoutineStack = RoutineStack & mcReadText("4", "")
RoutineStack = RoutineStack & mcReadText("5", "")
End If
End If
' display the error message box
StopExit = (cLngMsgBox(Language, RoutineStack, MB_MESSAGE_LEFT Or TimeOut Or ButtonsConfig Or 16, ErrorTitle) = 2)
' yield process
End If
' check if an auto logging must be performed
If (AutoLog = True) Then
' open the logging file in append mode
Close #Chan
Open FileLOG For Append Shared As #Chan
' save the error and his description
Print #Chan, ErrorTitle; " "; mcReadText("6", Date$ & "~" & Time$)
Print #Chan, ""
' save the full stack name of each routines founden
Print #Chan, RoutineStack
Print #Chan, ""
' check if the CANCEL button pushed or TimeOut
If (StopExit = True) Then
' yes stop by operator, save text for CANCEL
Print #Chan, mcReadText("7", "")
' no, retry by operator, save text for RETRY
Print #Chan, mcReadText("8", "")
End If
' save separator
Print #Chan, String$(78, "-")
' close the file
Close #Chan
End If
' if stop the program the END the application
If (StopExit = True) Then End
' no stop, resumes to next line in the main application
mcIDErrorHandler = True
End Function
Sub mcPopID (ID As Integer)
Call cPopID(IDArray(0), ID)
End Sub
Sub mcPopLastID ()
Call cPopLastID(IDArray(0))
End Sub
Sub mcPushID (ID As Integer)
Call cPushID(IDArray(0), ID)
End Sub
Function mcReadText (TextOrder As String, InsertText As String) As String
Dim Tmp As String
Dim BasisText As String
' read the text in the language file
BasisText = cGetIni("VBHNDERR", TextOrder, "?", FileLNG)
' insert some text if any
Tmp = cInsertBlocks(BasisText, InsertText)
' change all º by a CR and all ú by TAB
Call cChangeChars(Tmp, "ºú", Chr$(13) + Chr$(9))
mcReadText = Tmp
End Function
Sub mcInitID (mcLanguage As Integer, mcAutoLog As Integer, mcWaitingTimeForReaction As Integer, mcDefaultButton As Integer)
'mcLanguage 'set to TRUE if you want to use English language
'set to LNG_X if you want to use another language
'mcAutoLog 'set to TRUE if you want to make a logging of all errors
'set to FALSE if no logging
'mcWaitingTimeForReaction 'set to TRUE if no waiting time
'set to 1 for 10 seconds, 2 for 20 seconds, 3 for 30 seconds) to wait before automatic continue
'mcDefaultButton 'set to TRUE if you want to set the first button als default (RETRY = continue after waiting time has occured)
'set to FALSE if you want to set the second button als default (CANCEL = stop after waiting time has occured)
Call mcClearID
Language = mcLanguage
AutoLog = mcAutoLog
WaitingTimeForReaction = mcWaitingTimeForReaction
DefaultButton = mcDefaultButton
FileLNG = cGetWindowsDirectory() + "\VBHNDERR." + mcGetLanguageID(Language)
FileHND = cGetWindowsDirectory() + "\MODULES.HND"
FileLOG = cGetWindowsDirectory() + "\MODULES.LOG"
End Sub